发布时间:2020-11-16 浏览量:次
| 所在部门:机电工程学院 |
研究方向 | 多场复合精密加工 |
基本介绍 | 主要从事难加工航空材料的磨削加工相关研究,提出了超声/等离子体复合辅助磨削的新方法,取得了sci论文发表7篇,国际会议发表8次,专利申请7项等科研成果。 |
主要工作经历 | 2018.5 至 2020.10 南方科技大学博士后 |
获奖情况 | 1.2019年南方科技大学卓越博士后; 2.2018届日本秋田县立大学优秀博士毕业生; 3.2017年度日本秋田县立大学研究生院在学生特待生; 4.2016年度日本秋田县立大学研究生院在学生特待生; 5.2016年度日本文部科学省外国人留学生奨励費; 6.2016年9月日本三丰科学技术振兴协会国际交流助成金; 7.2016年7月日本由利本莊产学振兴财团国际交流助成金; 8.2015年11月the 11th china-japan international conference on ultra-precision machining process (cjump2015)学会优秀论文奖; |
承担项目 | 国家自然科学基金青年项目一项;市基金一项 |
学术任职 | 日本精密工学会会员 |
学术成果 | 一、发表论文 1. sisi li, gengzhuo li, shibo zhang, shijing wu, jiaping qiao, jiang zeng and yongbo wu. small hole drilling of ti-6al-4v using ultrasonic assisted plasma electric oxidation grinding, precision engineering (jcr:q2 if: 2.678 中科院三区) (博士后期间,已投稿) 2. sisi li, yongbo wu, shijing wu and jiang zeng. fundamental experiment of hydrogen embrittlement enhance ultrasonic assisted grinding of inconel 718, precision engineering (博士后期间,已投稿) 3. haohao cui, sisi li, shijing wu, shibo zhang, jiang zeng and yongbo wu. micromechanical characterization of ultrasonic assisted plasma oxidized ti-6al-4v by means of nanoscratching test, euspen’s 20th international conference & exhibition (ei), venice, 2020 (博士后期间,已接受) 4. sisi li, yongbo wu, mitsuyoshi nomura, tatsuya fujii. fundamental machining characteristics of ultrasonic assisted electrochemical grinding of ti–6al–4v, asme: journal of manufacturing science and engineering (jcr:q2 if: 2.616 中科院三区). 2017, 140(7), 071009. (博士期间) 5. s. li, y. wu, k. yamamura, m. nomura, t. fujii, improving the grindability of titanium alloy ti-6al-4v with the assistance of ultrasonic vibration and plasma electrolytic oxidation, cirp annals manufacturing technology (jcr:q1 if: 3.826 科院二区), 2017, 66(1): 345-348. (博士期间) 6. sisi li, yongbo wu, masakazu fujimoto, mitsuyoshi nomura. improving the working surface condition of electroplated cbn grinding quill in surface grinding of inconel 718 by the assistance of ultrasonic vibration. asme: journal of manufacturing science and engineering (jcr:q1 if: 3.333 科院三区), 2016, 138(7): 071008-1-8. (博士期间) 7. sisi li, yongbo wu , mitsuyoshi nomura. effect of grinding wheel ultrasonic vibration on chip formation in surface grinding of inconel 718. international journal of advanced manufacturing technology (jcr:q2 if: 2.601 科院三区), 2016, 86(1): 1113-1125. (博士期间) 8. yongbo wu, sisi li, mitsuyoshi nomura, satoshi kobayahi, toru tachibana. ultrasonic assisted electrolytic grinding of titanium alloy ti-6al-4v, international journal of nanomanufacturing, 2017, 13(2), 152-160. (博士期间) 9. sisi li, yongbo wu and mitsuyoshi nomura, fundamental investigation of ultrasonic assisted surface grinding of inconel 718, advanced materials research, 2016, 1136: 365-370. (博士期间) 10. xu zhifeng, liang pei, yang wei, li sisi, ,cai changchun,effects of laser energy density on forming accuracy and tensile strength of selective laser sintering resin coated sands, china foundry, 2014, 11(3):151-156. (硕士期间) 11. 李偲偲, 徐志锋, 朱佩兰, 张守银, 蔡长春, 快速成形工艺在航空铝合金铸件试制中的应用, 特种铸造及有色合金, 2014, 34(2):212-215. (硕士期间) 12. 李偲偲, 徐志锋, 张永才, 刘春霞, 谢云龙, 赵开发, zm2镁合金铸件的sls覆膜砂型(芯)铸造工艺研究, 特种铸造及有色合金, 2014, 34(11):1225-1228. (硕士期间) 13. 李偲偲, 徐志锋, 赵燕燕, 谢云龙, 赵开发, 饶江华,基于sls覆膜砂型(芯)的镁合金砂型铸造的阻燃机理分析, 铸造, 2015, 164(2):140-143. (硕士期间) 二、参与学会 1. sisi li, yongbo wu and shijing wu, hydrogen embrittlement enhance ultrasonic assisted grinding of inconel 718, the 18th international symposium on advances in abrasive technology (isaat 2019), 2019.12.6-7. (in english) 2. haohao cui, sisi li, shijing wu, shibo zhang, jiang zeng and yongbo wu. micromechanical characterization of ultrasonic assisted plasma oxidized ti-6al-4v by means of nanoscratching test, euspen’s 20th international conference & exhibition, venice, 2020 (in english) 3. sisi li, yongbo wu, mitsuyoshi nomura, fundamental investigation of ultrasonic assisted surface grinding of inconel 718, the 18th international symposium on advances in abrasive technology (isaat 2015), 2015.10.6-7. (in english) 4. sisi li, yongbo wu, mitsuyoshi nomura, ji yuebo, on the chip formation in ultrasonic assisted grinding of inconel 718, the 11th china-japan international conference on ultra-precision machining process (cjump2015), 2015.11.25-26. (in english) 5. sisi li, yongbo wu, mitsuyoshi nomura, fundamental investigation of ultrasonic assisted pulsed electrochemical grinding of ti-6al-4v, the 19th international symposium on advances in abrasive technology (isaat 2016), 2016.10.2-4. (in english) 6. s. li, y. wu, k. yamamura, m. nomura, t. fujii, improving the grindability of titanium alloy ti-6al-4v with the assistance of ultrasonic vibration and plasma electrolytic oxidation, cirp annals manufacturing technology, 2017. 10.5-8. 7. sisi li, teruo bitou, yongbo wu, mitsuyoshi nomura and tatsuya fujii, study on ultrasonic assisted plasma oxidation grinding technology in micro drill-grinding of ti-6al-4v, the 20th international symposium on advances in abrasive technology (isaat 2017), 2017. 11. 23-30. 8. sisi li, yongbo wu and shijing wu, hydrogen embittlement enhance ultrasonic assisted grinding of inconel 718, the 22th international symposium on advances in abrasive technology (isaat 2017), 2019. 12. 6-9. 9.李 偲偲,呉 勇波,野村光由,インコネル718の超音波援用円筒プランジ研削の試み,2015年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演, 2015.9 10. 李 偲偲,呉 勇波,野村光由,立花 亨,小林 敏,チタン合金ti‒6al‒4vの超音波援用電解研削の試み,2016年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演,2016.3 11. 李 偲偲,呉 勇波,野村光由,藤井達也,立花 亨,小林 敏,超硬合金の超音波援用プラズマ研削の試み,2016年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演,2016.9 12. 李 偲偲,呉 勇波,野村光由,藤井達也,立花 亨,小林 敏,超音波援用プラズマ研削によるチタン合金ti-6al-4vの穴あけ,2017年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演,2017.3 三、专利 1. 徐志锋,李偲偲,张永才,蔡长春,熊博文,余欢,一种适用于镁合金的激光烧结用覆膜砂材料及其制备方法. (申请号及专利号:20130562214.3) (硕士期间) 2. 徐志锋,谢云龙,李偲偲,朱佩兰,蔡长春,卢百平,熊博文,余欢,一种适合于铣削加工成形的型砂及其砂坯制备方法. (申请号:201310200452.x) (硕士期间) 3.吴勇波,李偲偲,一种等离子体氧化辅助磨削装置与方法. (申请号 cn201711106830.2) (博士后期间) 4. 吴勇波,李偲偲,一种氢脆化辅助超声加工设备 (申请号 cn210412921u) (博士后期间) 5. 吴勇波,李偲偲,一种氢脆化辅助超声加工设备及方法 (申请号 cn110116245a) (博士后期间) 6. 吴勇波,李偲偲,一种等离子体氧化辅助磨削装置 (申请号 cn207888328u) (博士后期间) 四、著书 1. yongbo wu, qiang wang, sisi li, superalloys for industry applications (chapter 4: ultrasonic assisted machining of nickle-based superalloy inconel 718), intechopen, 30,000 words , 2018, doi: 10.5772/65570. |