发布时间:2024-01-16 浏览量:次
所在部门机电工程学院 | |
研究方向 | 摩擦、涂层、润滑、轴承 |
基本介绍 | 曹均、博士、瓯江b教授、"互联网 "大学生创新创业大赛全国优秀创新创业导师、省科技创新人才、中国表面工程协会特邀专家、中国电子节能协会智能电器协会顾问专家、《稀有金属》、《材料保护》青年编委,宁波"甬江引才"、拔尖人才、"雄镇英才"领军计划人才、苏州"姑苏领军"创新创业领军人才、徐州市"双创之星"。近5年主持国家自然科学基金、省、市等横纵项目20余项,发表学术论文30余篇,授权及登记专利软著30余项。开发的自润滑涂层已在国内20余家企业应用,产品出口海外。近三年带领学生连续获得"互联网 "、挑战杯比赛国家金奖2项、铜奖2项。 |
主要工作经历 | 2018.12-2023.06,宁波大学 |
获奖情况 | 第六届创青春中国青年创新创业大赛浙江省总冠军,全国季军 |
承担项目 | (1)国家自然科学基金青年基金,极地船用大尺寸轴瓦启停磨损机理及宽温域涂层设计与制备方法研究,主持,30万,2020-2023; (2)浙江省自然科学基金,核用关节轴承磨损机理及耐高温自润滑涂层设计研究,主持,9万,2019-2022; (3) 宁波市重大专项,适用于滑动摩擦的高分子涂层材料与制备关键技术及产业化,主持,300 万,2023-2025; (4) 宁波市重大专项,仿生人工寰齿关节的结构优化和性能研究,参与,20万,2023-2025; (5)宁波市重大专项,低噪音高密封耐腐蚀精密轴承组件关键技术研发,参与,20万,2023-2025; (6)企业课题,钢结构金属防腐及润滑涂层技术研发,主持, 100万,2021-2023 (7)舟山岱山科技局,岱山汽船配综合体创新服务,主持,70万,2022-2023. (8)宁波市重大专项,易清洁自润滑防腐涂层关键技术研发,主持,300万,2024-2027; (9)浙江省"领雁"研发攻关项目,柴油机大承载轴瓦用钢背/铜合金双金属带设计与制备,参与,20万,2024-2027. |
学术任职 | 中国表面工程协会特邀专家、中国电子节能协会智能电器协会顾问专家、《稀有金属》、《材料保护》青年编委 |
学术成果 | [1]gang niu, jun cao *, haibo huang, li liu, qihua long, shimin wang,the tribological properties of pai/pi-ptfe coating filled by wc/ta on 1010 steel and as20 aluminum substrates under different temperatures and contact conditions, protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces, 2023, 59(6):1-13. [2]xin zhuo, jun cao*, haibo huang, li liu , xinkun suo, peiqing ye , zeshan abbas,cavitation erosion resistance and tribological performance of pai/pi/ep soft coating on 20crmo,wear,2023, 205176. [3]linfeng fan, jun cao*, xinkun suo, li liu, hailiang xu, shiming wang. the tribological properties of polyimide/polyamide imide/epoxy coating filled by ws2 and zno under dry, water, and sediment conditions. journal of macromolecular science, part b physics. 2023;9:1-17. [4]shijie yu jun cao*, haibo huang, shuxin li ,xiaojie li. the tribological and mechanical properties of pi/pai/ep polymer coating under oil lubrication, seawater corrosion and dry sliding wear. polymers. 2023; 15(6):1507. [5]chuan kuntu,jun cao*, haibo huang, chenchen yan,xinbo wang, the investigation of microstructure and tribological properties of ptfe/pi-pai composite coating added with vn, surface and coatings technology, 2022, 1, 128092 [6]jun cao, haibo huang, the study of wear particle emissions of soft rubber on rolling contact under braking conditions, wear, 2022.204431 v506-507 [7]jun cao*, jianbin chen, xinbo wang, jingbo wen, tribology and anti-ablation properties of sic-vn-mos2/ta composite coatings on carbon/carbon composites from 25 to 800℃,materials 2021, 14(22), 6772. [8]jun cao *, haibo huang, shuxin li, xiaocheng wu, zhongwei yin, zeshan abbas, tribological and mechanical behaviors of engine bearing with cusn10 layer and h-bn/ graphite coating prepared by spraying under different temperatures, tribology international, 2020, 106445. [9]jun cao*, zhongwei yin, hulin li, gengyuan gao, xiuli zhang, tribological and mechanical properties of ti2alc coating at room temperature and 800 ℃,ceramics international, 2018, 44 (1)1046-1051. [10]jun cao, zhongwei yin designs of low frictional coefficients for joint bearings by inlaying graphites and liquid spraying of mos2,industrial lubrication and tribology, 2018, 70(9):1630-1635. [11]jun cao, zhongwei yin, hulin li, gengyuan gao, tribological studies of soft and hard alternated composite coatings with different layer thicknesses, tribology international, 2017, 110: 326-332. [12]jun cao, zhongwei yin, cuiyu qing, hulin li, gengyuan gao, xinbo wang, design and analysis of a self-lubricating nuclear joint bearing above 320°c,industrial lubrication and tribology, 2017, 69(2): 95-104. [13]jun cao, zhongwei yin*, hulin li, gengyuan gao, research progresses and suggestions of manufacturing technologies of engine bearing bushes, iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 2017, 272(1): 012005. [14]jun cao *, zhijin gao, dongcheng wei, design of an intelligent tracking system for solar cells, proceedings of institution of civil engineers-energy, 2014,(167):67-73. [15]jun cao *, liang qin, aibing yu, haibo huang, guoping li, zhongwei yin, huiyu zhou, a review of surface treatments for sliding bearings used at different temperature, friction, lubrication and wear, chapter, 2019. 知识产权: [1]房玺正,曹均,王嘉豪,等. 集成化轴瓦喷涂工艺设备及加工方法,zl202110850684.4 [2]曹均,祝生祥,于爱兵,等. 宽温域内燃机轴瓦自润滑涂层及其喷涂方法,zl201910263057.3. [3]余石结,曹均,白景锐,冯连军,陈学前,文静波,适用于公共密闭空间的空气病毒/细菌消杀系统,实用新型专利,授权,zl202122974195.8 [4]曹均,尹忠慰,李虎林,高庚元,王新波. 用于轴瓦材料表面的软硬交替复合涂层及其制备方法, 中国发明专利,已授权,zl201610712259.8 20191119 [5]吴晓成,曹均,李明,等. 喷砂机构,zl201921497600.8 [6]吴晓成,曹均,袁建东,等. 二维行走磁控抓手,zl201921481452.0 [7]曹均, 吴烨卿, 吴晓成, 等. 适用于内燃机轴瓦自动清洗及烘干的装置zl201921635091.0. [8]曹均,王海龙,吴烨卿,等. 自动喷涂及固化涂层系统, zl201921480214.8 [9]曹均,余石结,冯连军,等. 离心浸透式涂层涂覆设备,zl202122334698. [10]房玺正,曹均,王嘉豪,等. 轴瓦夹取紧固装置,zl202120577504.5 [11]房玺正,曹均,王嘉豪,等. 适用于多种尺寸磁控轴瓦的夹具机构 zl202121726320.7 |