学术成果 |
5篇代表性论文 [1] shengdong yu, mingyang xie*,hongtao wu, jinyu ma, yao li, hanlie gu (2020). composite proportional-integral sliding mode control with feedforward control for cell puncture mechanism with piezoelectric actuation. isa transactions.(sci,top期刊) [2] yu shegndong, xie mingyang*, ma jinyu, wu hongtao(2021). precise robust motion tracking of a piezoactuated micropuncture mechanism with sliding mode control. journal of the franklin institute. 2021, 358(8): 4410-4434. (sci,if 4.5) [3] mingyang xie, shengdong yu*, haiping lin, hongtao wu, (2020). improved sliding mode control with time delay estimation for motion tracking of cell puncture mechanism, ieee transactions on circuits and systems i (doi: 10.1109/tcsi.2020.2981629) .(sci,top期刊) [4] shengdong yu, hongtao wu, mingyang xie, jinyu ma*, precise robust motion control of cell puncture mechanism driven by piezoelectric actuators with fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode control, bio-design and manufacturing, 2020, (if 6.03 国内期刊) [5] shengdong yu, xie, m., wu, h., ma, j., wang, r. (2019). design and control of a piezoactuated microfeed mechanism for cell injection. the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 105(12), 4941-4952.(sci) |