
发布时间:2017-06-06 浏览量:次








廖宁波,男,1979年12月生,广西桂林市人,工学博士,教授/硕导,美国纳米协会特邀会员,浙江省151人才,温州市580海外精英引进人才,温州市特聘专家。近年来以第一作者/通讯作者身份在journal of materials chemistry a(if=14.5), acta materialia (if=9.2), composites part b (if=11.3), journal of power sources (if=9.8),applied materials today (if=10.0), nanoscale(if=8.3)等微纳材料领域国际著名期刊发表sci收录论文90余篇。


2008年8月至2009年10月在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(tu delft)微系统工程系从事基于多尺度方法的微电子封装聚合物-金属界面可靠性研究(欧盟第七科技框架计划-fp7项目)。2010年1月至2011年1月在美国德克萨斯大学从事博士后研究,研究方向为超音速飞机新型si-c-o基耐高温涂层的多尺度分析方法(美国国家航空航天局/美国空军项目)。















10.美国航天局 (nasa) /美国空军项目:高超音速飞机表面的耐高温涂层研究,主要研究人员





current materials science 

research and reviews in materials science and chemistry

current chinese nanotechnology

international journal of computational and theoretical chemistry

journal of environmental materials and sustainable energy

特刊主编(lead guest editor)

advances in mechanical engineering


journal of materials chemistry a, journal of physical chemistry letters, acs applied materials & interfaces, journal of power sources, carbon, composites part b, materials and design,applied surface science等。



1.minming jiang(研究生), ke xu, ningbo liao*, beirong zheng. effect of sputtering power on piezoresistivity and interfacial strength of sicn thin films prepared by magnetic sputtering. ceramics international (sci 一区 top期刊), 2022, 48(2): 2112-2117.

2.minming jiang(研究生), ke xu, ningbo liao*, hongming zhou. dft investigation on highly selective no2 sensing properties of mnps3. applied surface science (sci 一区 top期刊), 2021, 543: 148846.

3.ke xu(研究生), ningbo liao*, miao zhang, wei xue. selective methane sensing properties of vo2 at different temperatures: a first principles study. applied surface science (sci 一区 top期刊), 2021, 536: 147969.

4.wei wei(研究生), ke xu, ningbo liao*, wei xue. insight into si/sico thin films anodes for lithium-ion batteries with high capacity and cycling stability. applied materials today (sci 一区 top期刊), 2020, 20: 100773.    

5.ke xu(研究生), ningbo liao*, miao zhang, wei xue. atomic-scale investigation of enhanced lithium, sodium and magnesium storage performance from defects in mos2/graphene heterostructure. nanoscale (sci 一区 top期刊), 2020, 12: 7098 – 7108. 

6.zhen zhang(研究生), ningbo liao*, hongming zhou, wei xue. insight into silicon-carbon multilayer films as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries: a combined experimental and first principles study. acta materialia (sci 一区 top期刊), 2019, 178: 173-178. 

7.ningbo liao*, beirong zheng, hongming zhou and wei xue. effect of carbon segregation on performance of inhomogeneous sicyo6/5 as anode materials for lithium-ion battery: a first-principles study. journal of power sources (sci 一区 top期刊), 2016, 334, p 39-43. 

8.ningbo liao*, beirong zheng*, miao zhang and wei xue. atomic investigation on reversible lithium storage in amorphous silicon oxycarbide as a high power anode material. journal of materials chemistry a (sci 一区 top期刊), 2016, 4, p 12328 - 12333. 

9.ningbo liao*, beirong zheng*, hongming zhou and wei xue. effect of carbon content on the structure and electronic properties of silicon oxycarbide anode for lithium ion batteries: a first principle study. journal of materials chemistry a (sci 一区 top期刊), 2015, 3, p 5067 - 5071. 

10.zhen zhang(研究生), ningbo liao*, hongming zhou, wei xue. atomistic investigation on lithiation mechanism of silicon incorporated with amorphous carbon layer as anode material for lithium-ion battery. applied surface science (sci 一区 top期刊), 2019, 494: 111-115.

11.jixi deng(研究生), ningbo liao*, miao zhang, wei xue. extended finite element analysis of plastic and fracture behaviors of sic-based multi-layer thin films system. international journal of mechanical sciences (sci 一区top期刊), 2019, 161-162: 105017.

12.zhixiang liu(研究生), yunqing tang, ningbo liao*, ping yang*. study on interfacial interaction between si and zno. ceramics international (sci 一区 top期刊), 2019, 45(17): 21894-21899. 

13.zhi guo(研究生), ningbo liao*, miao zhang, wei xue. theoretical approach to evaluate graphene/pani composite as highly selective ammonia sensor. applied surface science (sci 一区 top期刊), 2018, 453: 336-340. 

14.yao yang, ningbo liao*, miao zhang, fengping li*. evaluation of the elastic-plastic properties of sicn coating system by finite element simulations. journal of the european ceramic society (sci一区top期刊), 2017, 37(13): 3891-3897.

15.ningbo liao*, wei xue, miao zhang. effect of carbon content on structural and mechanical properties of sicn by atomistic simulations. journal of the european ceramic society (sci一区top期刊). 2012, 32 (6), p 1275-1281. 

16.ningbo liao*, guang ma, miao zhang, wei xue. effects of sic particles on mechanical properties of sicn-based composite by atomistic simulation. composites part b: engineering (sci一区top期刊). 2012, 43 (4), p 1739-1742. 

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